The reason why an employee or a team is underperforming might be in their overwhelming emotional struggle, which impedes their cognitive skills.
They might be going through personal agony, maybe they were harassed at work or wrongfully accused. Also micromanagement, discrimination, imposter syndrome or perfectionist traits can cause emotional turmoil.
You need to help them understand that their reactions are normal and at the same time help them develop coping mechanism. Using merely coaching skills in such situations can backfire. What you need is a coach with real psychological understanding of what mental struggle is.
To put it plain simple:
“Organizational therapy supports well-being of an organization by resolving emotional or mental struggles of employees. It alleviates stress, reduces burnout and improves relationships. By doing so it significantly improves performance”
I work with people individually or in teams. Working with teams makes especially sense when a company is going through turbulent times, such as mergers, downsizing, temporary work overload, heavy restructuring etc.
We (usually it’s the therapist, clients involved and HR) agree on ways of working. This includes frequency of sessions, therapy details (location, time, days of a week) and information disclosure. The alliance among all three partners inspires trust and enables the process to evolve.
When working as a therapist I use knowledge and skills of Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with focus on Acceptance and Committment Therapy (CBT) and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming).
Being a business coach adds an immense value, because very often clients need not only understanding, but also direct guidance.